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Get The Price You Deserve For Your Lettings Agency

UK's #1 Seller  with over Five Hundred Lettings Businesses sold

Ready to Sell Your Letting Agency? Get In Touch


No Sale, No Fee

Database of 12,000 qualified buyers

Database of 12,000 qualified buyers

We Only Act for Sellers

We Only Act for Sellers

More than 500 Businesses Sold

More than 500 Businesses Sold

£700 million of businesses sold

£700 million of businesses sold


We are an experienced broker with an unrivalled reputation for selling letting businesses in the UK with a turnover of between £200,000 and £20 million p.a. . With over 32 years of experience and a proven 6-step marketing process, we have the expertise and resources necessary to help you achieve the best possible price for your business.

Uniquely we only act for sellers, which avoids the conflicts of interest that frequently arise with brokers who act for buyers as well. Additionally, our no sale no fee policy, means that there are no upfront costs and you will only ever pay us a fee from the proceeds of a successful sale.

Confidentiality is a priority so we will only share your details with buyers who are registered on our database and you always get the right to decide who receives your details. Once a sale is agreed our panel of solicitors, accountants and due diligence experts will help to ensure a smooth and swift completion of the sale on the terms that were originally agreed.

Whether you are looking to leave the letting industry for another sector or preparing to enjoy your retirement, now is a great time to sell.

Don’t accept below market price offers from direct buyers and don’t take the risk of dealing with a less experienced broker.

Get the price you deserve with a broker you can trust. Choose Adam J Walker & Associates.

With over 32 years’ experience and a proven 6 step marketing process we have the expertise and resources necessary to help you to achieve the best price for your business.

Call our experienced team


  • We Are Specialists. We only sell letting businesses and mixed residential sales and letting businesses so we are experts in our field.

  • Over 32 Years’ Experience. We’ve been selling letting businesses for over 32 years and we have sold many hundreds of businesses during this time. We are the UK’s No 1 seller of letting businesses.

  • Proven 6-Step Process. Our marketing process has been carefully designed to ensure that we achieve the best price for every business.

  • Resources. Unlike most of our competitors, we have eight staff and the resources to do the job properly and proactively.

  • We Only Act For Sellers. Unlike most of our competitors, we do not act for buyers. We feel that to do so would be a conflict of interest.

  • Reputation. We have worked in a small industry for 32 years and we have an unrivalled reputation. A high proportion of our business comes from referrals and recommendations.

  • Confidentiality. Details will only go to buyers on our database and you have the absolute right of veto over who receives details.

  • Support. Our expert panel of solicitors and due diligence experts will help to ensure that your sale goes through to a swift and smooth completion.


Want to enjoy a smooth, trouble-free sale and achieve the best possible price for your business?

That’s exactly what you’ll get with our streamlined 6-step process, which is supported by professional advice from our panel of carefully chosen solicitors, accountants, due diligence consultants and tax advisers.


We will compile a comprehensive and accurate information pack that showcases your business in the very best light. The way in which the numbers are presented will have a huge impact on the price that you achieve for your business and by ensuring the numbers are accurate we will avoid problems later in the sale.


Setting an accurate guide price is essential in order to achieve the best price for your business. Our unrivalled experience will enable us to give you an accurate and achievable valuation. Unlike some of our competitors we will not give you an inflated value to win your business then reduce it later. We sell over 90% of our business for within plus or minus 10% of the original guide price.


Our database of over 12,000 qualified buyers built up over the last 30 years, means that we never need to advertise that your business is for sale. Many of these prospects will be buyers that you would not have found yourself. We will use our experience to grade these buyers in order to ensure that the best and most reliable buyers get the details first We will then send you a list for your approval.

You will retain the absolute right to veto who receives your business details and no-one will be sent details without your written consent in advance.


We will run a highly proactive marketing campaign over a six week period with a formal closing date for offers at the end of it. This ensures that all the potential buyers have a fair chance to make offers for your business. Bringing all the horses to the finishing line at the same time is essential in order to ensure that we achieve the very best price for your business and You will never be pressed to take an offer from the first buyer that comes along. At the end of the six week marketing campaign you will know that you achieved the best possible price for your business because of the transparency of the process that we used.


The best buyer isn’t necessarily the one who offers the highest price. We will help to negotiate all the other terms of the offer such as the payment terms and how much of the purchase price will be deferred. We will also use our experience to advise on the experience and track record of each of the buyers in order to ensure that you do not accept an offer from a buyer with a reputation for trying to reduce the price that they have agreed later in the process.


For every hour that we spend agreeing a sale we will spend several more hours progressing the sale once it has been agreed. Hundreds of things can go wrong with a sale. The most common problem is that buyers will often try to reduce the price that they have agreed to pay by claiming that they have found problems with the business during the due diligence process or by using sophisticated accounting tricks to try to cheat you out of money that should have been yours. Our job is to use our experience and technical knowledge to prevent this and to ensure that your sale completes on time and most importantly on the terms that were originally agreed.

Plus, once your sale completes, we’ll still be there to ensure the acquisition smoothly integrates into the buyer’s business and that any deferred consideration is paid to you in full.

Call our experienced team


Are you Buying a Letting Agency?


Are you Selling a Letting Agency?


Several new brokers have set up in business over the last couple of years but they will not be able to achieve
the same results as we can for several reasons.


    I have been trading for 32 years and have completed the sale of well over 500 letting agencies. My new competitors have been trading for just a year or two and have completed only a few dozen sales.


    Over the last 32 years my team and I have built up vast technical knowledge about how to deal with due diligence problems , legal pitfalls , arguments over the completion accounts and tax matters. This knowledge will pay a huge role in helping you to achieve the highest price and a trouble free sale.


    My new competitors deal with acquisitions as well as sales. This can cause terrible conflicts of interest. It is impossible to be both a poacher and a gamekeeper and this is why we only ever act for sellers.


    Many of my competitors will give you an inflated price to secure your business then spend months persuading you to reduce it. This can seriously damage the future saleability of your business. We pride ourselves on giving an accurate valuation and the vast majority of our businesses are sold for within plus or minus 10% of our recommended guide price.


    My team and I spend many hours ensuring that the marketing pack for every business we take on is 100% accurate , cross references with the accounts and presents the business in the best possible light. This will have a huge impact on the price that we can achieve. Most of my competitors do not have the time or the knowledge to do this and as a result they often send out details that are incomplete and or inaccurate. This will have a very adverse impact on the saleability of the business and often causes the sale to fall through later in the process.


    My new competitors only have one or two members of staff. I have a team of 8 who between them have more than 52 years’ service with me. This means that I have the resources to deal with every sale properly and proactively. We will never miss a chance to follow up details to achieve a meeting or to follow up a meeting to achieve an offer. We also spend huge amounts of time on progressing every sale. This means that we will achieve higher prices for you a smoother sale.

  • 7 ETHICS

    Many of my new competitors try to pressurise their clients into accepting the first offer that comes in because they do not have the time and resources to do the job properly . I will always run a full marketing campaign to ensure that you achieve the best possible price from the best possible buyer.


    I have built up strong relationships with our buyers over many years. Some of them have bought dozens of businesses from us. These relationships based on mutual trust and respect have a real impact on our ability to get sales through quickly and smoothly on the terms originally agreed.

    You will only sell your business once so don’t accept second best – Entrust the job to the market leader Adam J Walker and Associates


Selling a business is not the same as selling a house and we will add value at every stage of the process.


    I will usually have several dozen potential buyers on our database many of whom you would never find yourself. More buyers means more competition and a better price.


    Due to the number of sales that I deal with I will be able to give you an accurate valuation for your business. This is essential in order to achieve the best price. The prices achieved for other businesses is not publicly available and a lot of the information that is available on line is inaccurate.


    We will invest a lot of time and skill in preparing an accurate marketing pack for your business that shows it in the very best light . It is almost impossible for a private seller to do this for themselves.


    My tried and tested 6 week marketing process with a closing date for offers at the end has been proven to achieve the best price. It would be almost impossible to run a campaign like this for yourself.


    The highest offer is often not the best one. I have the knowledge to advise you on the implications of all the ancillary terms and we know which buyers to trust and which ones are likely to try to reduce the price later in the process.


    Most private sales fall through because the buyer tries to reduce price they agreed to pay or because a problem found during the due diligence process prevents the buyer from completing the sale. My vast technical knowledge means that the vast majority of our sales complete first time and protects you from the expense and disappointment on an abortive sale.


    If you look at our Google reviews you will see why such a high percentage of our work comes from recommendations. Our clients are in no doubt about the value that we added to their sales process.

    You can only sell your business once so make sure it is done properly by entrusting the job to Adam J Walker & Associates

Call our experienced team


Why should I use you?
Why do you charge more than your competitors?
I have had a direct approach so why can’t I sell the business myself and just pay you for a valuation?
What do you do in return for your fee?
How does your sales process work?
Can you help with a management buyout?

10 biggest mistakes to avoid when selling your letting business


10 good reasons why you should not try to sell your letting business yourself


We have compiled some of the questions our sellers most often ask about selling their letting
business to provide you with helpful information and guidance.